Year: 2014

IsInt and IsDecimal from IsNumeric


In TSQL IsNumeric evaluates data to see if it can be cast as any of ten numeric types of data: int, numeric, bigint, money, smallint, smallmoney, tinyint, float, decimal, real. The problem is that most of the time what we

TSQL Multiple Column Where In Sub-Query Filter

Spiral staircase. Vienna, Austria, Western Europe.

Sometimes we want to filter query results based on results from multiple fields from a sub-query or in a where clause but if you try this you’ll get and error message: Only one expression can be specified in the select

Horizontal Self Table Join


Union tables join tables vertically, which is fine if you want one long set of data returned, but what if you want to compare data side-by-side in one table horizontally? And what if your are trying to conserve space by
